abrasive core drilling method — метод вращательного или колонкового бурения

— area velocity method
— balance method
— correlation method
— dilution method
— dimencional method
— dynamic method
— equation method
— forecast method
— gravimetric method
— heat budget method
— hydrograph separation method
— least-squares method
— Monte Carlo method
— neutron scattering method
— probability method
— quantitative method
— salt titration method
— salt-velocity method
— stratigraphic method
— successive approximation method
— suspension method
— thermogravimetric method
— transposition method
— water balance method

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Смотреть что такое METHOD в других словарях:


[`meθəd]метод, способ; методика, прием, средствометодикасистема; порядок, стройклассификация


метод, способ; система; методика adsorption-elution method — метод адсорбции-элюции affected sibs method — метод неродственных [гистонесовместим... смотреть


метод; способ; средство; приём; технология; система; порядокbarrel per acre method — способ определения производительности месторождения с единицы площ... смотреть


1) метод 2) процедура 3) способ • adaptive smoothing method — метод адаптивного сглаживания alternating-variable descent method — матем. метод покоординатного спуска antithetic variate method — метод несовместных случайных величин area moment method — метод моментных площадей average ordinate method — метод средних ординат balance-chart method of planning — экон. метод планирования балансовый baseband recording method — способ раздельной записи видеоинформации с временным уплотнением boundary integral method — метод граничных интегралов climb milling method — метод попутного фрезерования composite value method — компьют. метод передачи совместных значений, метод совместных значений conformal mapping method — метод конформных отображений conjugate gradient method — метод сопряженных градиентов control chart method — метод контрольных карт convex simplex method — метод выпуклого симплекса crossed beam method — метод пересекающихся лучей decision function method — метод решающих функций difference factorization method — метод разностной факторизации direct method of measurement — прямой метод измерения divide by differential method — делить дифференциальным методом equal deflection method — тех. метод равных отклонений estimate by the method — измерять по методу factor comparison method — метод сравнения факторов false position method — матем. метод пристрелки finite difference method — метод конечных разностей first approximation method — метод первого приближения frequency analysis method — метод гармоничного анализа gradient projection method — метод проекции градиента hydraulic fill method — способ гидромеханизации integral estimation method — метод интегральных оценок inverse matrix method — метод обратных матриц kernel of summation method — ядро метода суммирования large sample method — метод больших выборок least sample value method — метод минимального выборочного значения less than fully efficient method — метод неполной эффективности linearly implicit method — линейно неявный метод magnetic particle method — метод магнитного порошка method of acyclic models — метод ацикличных моделей method of algebraic addition — метод алгебраического сложения method of approximate programming — метод приближенного программирования method of averages and ranges — метод средних значений и размахов method of balanced blocks — метод сбалансированных блоков method of characteristic functions — метод характеристических функций method of complex gradients — матем. метод сопряженных градиентов method of confidence intervals — метод доверительных интервалов method of conjugate directions — метод сопряженных направлений (решения системы n линейных уравнений с n неизвестными) method of convex ascent — метод выпуклого восхождения (в динамическом программировании) method of cutting and gluing — метод разрезания и склеивания method of detached coefficients — метод отделенных коэффициентов method of disjunction of cases — метод разделения случаев method of electrical images — метод зеркальных изображений method of empty ball — метод пустого шара method of extreme values — метод крайних значений method of feasible directions — матем. метод возможных направлений method of first approximation — метод первого приближения method of fitting constants — метод подбора постоянных method of fraction levelling — метод нивелирования по частям method of generating functions — метод производящих функций method of golden section — метод золотого сечения method of incremental rates — машиностр. метод относительных приростов method of inductive inference — метод индуктивного вывода method of interval bisection — метод дихотомии, метод деления пополам (при адаптивном поиске) method of least absolute values — метод наименьших абсолютных значений method of least likelihood — метод наименьшего правдоподобия method of mathematical induction — метод математической индукции method of means and standard deviations — метод средних значений и среднеквадратических отклонений method of minimal change — метод минимальных изменений method of mirror reflections — метод зеркальных отражений method of multiple comparison — метод множественного сравнения method of orthogonal contrasts — метод ортогональных контрастов method of paired associates — метод парных ассоциаций (в теории обучения) method of partial integration — метод частичного интегрирования method of phase integrals — метод фазовых интегралов method of projecting cones — метод проектирующих конусов method of proportional parts — метод линейной интерполяции method of representative sample — метод репрезентативной выборки method of rotating factors — метод вращения факторов method of semantic tableaux — метод семантических таблиц method of separation of variables — метод разделения переменных method of small paramater — метод малого параметра (в теории обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений) method of stationary phase — метод стационарной фазы method of statistical inference — метод статистического вывода method of steepest ascent — метод скорейшего подъема method of stochastic approximation — метод стохастической аппроксимации method of successive approximations — метод последовательных приближений method of successive displacements — метод последовательных смещений method of successive elimination — метод последовательного исключения ( факторов) method of successive substitutions — метод последовательных подстановок method of tangent parabolas — метод касательных парабол method of unconditional optimization — метод безусловной оптимизации method of unweighted means — метод невзвешенных средних (метод аппроксимации) method of variation of constants — метод вариации постоянных method of weight functions — метод весовых функций minimal residual method — метод минимальных остатков (в факторном анализе) moving average method — матем. метод скользящих средних normal approximation method — метод аппроксимации нормальным распределением operations research method — метод исследования операций ordinary least squares method — обычный метод наименьших квадратов parallel tangents method — метод параллельных касательных phase plane method — метод фазовой плоскости programming program method — метод программирующих программ quality control method — метод контроля качества random walk method — метод случайного блуждания reduced gradient method — метод приведенного градиента regula falsa method — матем. метод пристрелки rejection mask method — метод удаляемого маски response surface method — метод анализа на поверхности отклика sampling method by attributes — стат. метод выборочного контроля по качественным признакам scale factor method — метод масштабных коэффициентов, метод масштабных множителей similarity [similitude] method — метод подобия singular perturbation method — метод особых возмущений spot-scan photomultiplier method — метод сканирования пятном stationary phase method — метод стационарной фазы steepest descent method — метод быстрейшего спуска successive exclusion method — метод последовательных исключений time average method — метод усреднения во времени touch method composition — набор слепым методом two-stage least-square method — двухступенчатый метод наименьших квадратов weighted least-squares method — метод взвешенных наименьших квадратов - a priori method - abbreviated method - abridged method - absolute method - adaptive method - ADI method - adjoint method - aero-projection method - algebraic method - algorithmic method - alternating method - analog method - analytical method - approximate method - approximation-function method - approximative method - area method - ascent method - asymptotic method - averoid method - axiomatic method - axonometric method - backward-sweep method - balayage method - barrier method - block-diagram method - bordering method - Borrmann method - bottle method - boundary integral method - branch-and-bound method - building-block method - caisson method - cascade method - case method - catastrophe method - category method - centroid method - chain method - chaining method - chord method - clustering method - cofactor method - coincidence method - collocation method - colorimetric method - combinatorial method - comparative method - comparison method - complexometric method - computing method - conductance-measuring method - cone method - conjugate-gradient method - constant-fraction method - constructive method - continuation method - convergence method - convergent method - correlation method - covariant method - crude method - cut-and-try method - cutting-plane method - cyclic method - decomposition method - deductive method - delta method - depth-first method - diagonalization method - dichotomy method - difference method - differential method - differential-equations method - diffusion method - digital method - dilution method - dimensional method - direct method - dispersion method - distribution-free method - dot alloying method - double-description method - dry method - duality method - Dumas method - dye-penetrant method - efficient method - efflux method - electrophoretic method - elementary method - elimination method - embedded method - empirical method - energy method - equal-altitude method - equal-deflection method - equal-strain method - equation method - ergodic method - error method - error of method - escalator method - estimation method - exact method - exclusion method - exhaustion method - expansion method - experimental method - extrapolation method - factorial method - factorization method - fall-of-charge method - finitary method - fitting method - fixed-point method - floatation method - floating-zone method - forecasting method - formal method - freehand method - functional method - fundamental method - game-theoretic method - general method - genetic method - geometrical method - gradient-search method - graph method - graphic method - graphical method - grapho-analitical method - grapho-numerical method - gravimetric method - gray-wedge method - grid method - Griess-Ilovai method - grouping method - half-and-half method - half-deflection method - half-split method - heuristic method - hill-climbing method - horn-and-lens method - hypothetico-deductive method - idealized method - identification method - immersion method - implicit method - inaccurate method - incremental method - index method - indirect method - inductive method - inexact method - infinitesimal method - informal method - integral method - integro-interpolation method - interpretation method - inverse-scattering method - inversion method - isocline method - isolation method - iterated-interpolation method - iteration method - jacknife method - kick-sorting method - knapsack method - laboratory method - laborious method - learning method - least-squares method - leveling method - linearization method - linking method - load-factor method - lobe-switching method - local method - logical method - logical-and-probabilistic method - logistic method - lost wax method - lumped-parameter method - lumped-parameters method - machining method - manufacturing method - mapping method - marginal method - Markowitz method - matching method - mathematical method - mathematico-deductive method - matrix method - mean-value method - measurement method - mesh-current method - method of abstraction - method of analysis - method of angles - method of approximation - method of arithmetization - method of averages - method of balayage - method of barriers - method of bearings - method of catastrophes - method of characteristics - method of choice - method of comparison - method of continuation - method of continuity - method of contrasts - method of correction - method of counterexamples - method of descent - method of determinants - method of diagrams - method of directions - method of elimination - method of estimation - method of exhaustion - method of extrapolation - method of forcing - method of forecasting - method of gisements - method of graphs - method of homology - method of image - method of images - method of indicators - method of induction - method of inversion - method of isoclines - method of iterations - method of joints - method of krakowians - method of lines - method of loci - method of martingale - method of moments - method of multipliers - method of normals - method of numbering - method of observation - method of operators - method of ordering - method of parabolas - method of parametrix - method of partition - method of potentials - method of prediction - method of proof - method of quantiles - method of randomization - method of raviness - method of rectangles - method of reiteration - method of residues - method of revolution - method of scoring - method of search - method of section - method of sections - method of semiaverages - method of smoothing - method of solution - method of substitution - method of summability - method of superposition - method of sweeping - method of transformation - method of trapezoids - method of verification - method optimization - method preparation - mid-rank method - midsquare method - mid-square method - minimax method - mirror-image method - modified method - momentum-transfer method - moving-average method - multiextremal method - multiplex method - multistep method - nephelometric method - net method - net-point method - neutral-points method - nodal-pair method - node-voltage method - nonconstructive method - noncovariant method - non-destructive method - nonlinear method - nonparametric method - nonprobabilistic method - nonrank method - non-recursive method - nonsequential method - null method - number-theoretical method - objective method - obstruction method - offset method - offset-signal method - one-sweep method - operational method - operator method - opposition method - optimization method - optimum-seeking method - orthogonalization method - orthogonalized-plane-wave method - paramagnetic-resonance method - particle method - particle-in-cell method - path-of-steepest-ascent method - perturbation method - plunge-cut method - point-by-point method - point-estimation method - polar method - pole-and-ray method - postulational method - powder method - predictor-corrector method - primal-dual method - principal-factor method - probit method - problem-solving method - processing method - prognosis method - proof method - pseudoviscosity method - pulse method - pulse-counting method - pulse-echo method - pumping method - quadrature method - qualitative method - quantal-response method - quantitative method - quasianalytic method - quasilinearization method - quota method - radiation method - radiometric method - ranking method - raster-scan method - ray-trace method - real method - refletion method - regression method - regular method - relaxation method - reliability method - representative method - residue method - retardation method - retract method - rigorous method - robust method - root-locus method - root-sum-of-squares method - roster method - rotating-crystal method - rotation method - rough-and-ready method - routine method - row-by-row method - rule-of-thumb method - Runge-Kutta method - saddle-point method - sampling method - saturation method - secant method - sedimentaion method - self-checking method - self-consistency method - semantic method - semigraphical method - semigroup method - separation method - set-theoretical method - shadow method - shake method - shock-capturing method - shooting method - short-cut method - sieve method - similitude method - simplex method - simplified method - simulation method - singularity method - slope-deflection method - smoothing method - solution method - spectroscopic method - speedup method - spiral-scan method - split-half method - split-plot method - stable method - standard method - statistical method - step-back method - step-by-step method - stepping-stone method - stepwise method - stochastic method - stroboscopic method - stylus method - subjective method - substitution method - succession-sweep method - summability method - sweeping-out method - symmetrization method - synthetic method - systematic method - target method - test-line method - three-base method - time-of-flight method - topological method - total-strain method - tracer method - transcendental method - transformation method - tree method - tree-search method - trial method - trial-and-error method - triangulation method - trilateration method - truncation method - truth-table method - try-and-error method - Tukey-Cooley method - Tukey-Sand method - two-dimensional method - two-sweep method - univariate method - universal method - up-and-down method - value-iteration method - variable-phase method - variational method - visual method - volumetric method - Whitham's method - wobbulator method - work method - worst-case method - zero-beat method... смотреть


1) метод2) способ3) процедура– ADI method– adjoint method– aero-projection method– anaglyphic method– approximate method– area method– averaging method... смотреть


method: translation nounADJECTIVE ▪ accurate, effective, efficient, good, practical, reliable, tried-and-tested (esp. BrE), tried-and-true (esp. AmE) ... смотреть


Метод- method for discriminating- method of average- method of characteristics- method of comparison- method of depreciation- method of designated rout... смотреть


nounметод m adaptive method адаптивный метод all possible regressions method всех регрессий метод anti-thetic variate method метод антисимметричной в... смотреть


method of equal planes метод равных уровней method of "ultimate lines" метод сравнения интенсивности линий abrasive core drilling method метод колонков... смотреть


метод, способ; система; порядок; методика; технология- method of analysis- method of application- method of attack- method of bearing and distances- me... смотреть


method: translation method meth‧od [ˈmeθəd] noun [countable] a planned way of doing something, especially one that a lot of people use: me... смотреть


метод, способ; методика- cascade immunization method- loop closing method- spinner-culture method- adsorption-elution method- agar block method- agar d... смотреть


метод; способ- access-control method - anaxiomatization heuristic method - basic telecommunication access method - branch-and-bound method - break-in m... смотреть


1) метод, способ; приём2) система; порядок- acid method- additive method- bichromate method- Bourgess method for transparencies- box method- butt splic... смотреть


1) метод; способ 2) технология 3) система 4) порядок • - leap-frog method - teach-yourself method - absorption method - access method - access-oriented method - acoustic emission method - analytical method - annotation method - approximation method - basic index sequence access method - block indexing method of spacing - block method - block-tooling method - bottom-up method - boundary-element method - BTR method - c/c method - calibration method - cascade access method - climb feed method - coating method - coding/classification method - communication access method - complementary method of measurement - continuous-dress creep feed method - control method - copying method - creep feed method - cubic spline method - cut-and-try method - DDA method - definitive method of measurement - Delphi method - dexel method - diamond grinding/lapping method - differential method of measurement - Doppler selection method - double doping method - downfeed method - dummy-load method - finite elements method - Fisher's method - flow line method - form-copying method - form-generating method - gagematic method - gang method of planing - generalized method - generating method - gradient method - humanly transparent method - in-cut method - indexed sequential access method - indirect generating method - inspection method - iteration method - least square method - locating method - LS method - magnetic-particle method - manufacturing method - maximum likelihood method - Maxweel-Mohr method - method of assembly connection - method of item assembling - method of measurement without contact - method of measurement - method of measurements by coincidence - method of measurements by comparison against an actual measure - modified roll method - Monte Carlo method - multicriterion design method - noncontact method of measuring - nondestructive method of testing - null method of measurement - out-cut method - pecking method - pilot discharge method - pilot pulse method - plunge-cut method - point-to-point method - probabilistic method - problem-solving method - processing method - production method - profile method of measurement of the surface roughness - pulse-echo method - qualitative safeguards methods - quantative method - questionary method - rack-planing method - rank correlation method - reduction methods - resident access method - rolling method - safety methods - search-step method - sequential access method - sizematic method - standard manufacturing methods - step-by-step method - stepwise method - stored-program method - structured method - stylus method - substitution method of measurement - substitution method - teaching playback method - telemetering method - test method - tooling method - top-down method - tracer method of determining surface quality - traverse method of grinding - trial-and-error method - unit-load method - up-feed method - value engineering method - working method - X-ray method - zero method of measurement - zero-deflection method... смотреть


[ʹmeθəd] n1. 1) метод, способ, системаcomparative [experimental] method - сравнительный [экспериментальный] методa new method of cure [application] - н... смотреть


1) метод; способ 2) технология 3) система 4) порядок • - method of assembly connection- method of item assembling- method of measurement- method of measurements by coincidence- method of measurements by comparison against an actual measure- method of measurement without contact- absorption method- access method- access-oriented method- acoustic emission method- analytical method- annotation method- approximation method- basic index sequence access method- block method- block indexing method of spacing- block-tooling method- bottom-up method- boundary-element method- BTR method- calibration method- cascade access method- c/c method- climb feed method- coating method- coding/classification method- communication access method- complementary method of measurement- continuous-dress creep feed method- control method- copying method- creep feed method- cubic spline method- cut-and-try method- DDA method- definitive method of measurement- Delphi method- dexel method- diamond grinding/lapping method- differential method of measurement- Doppler selection method- double doping method- downfeed method- dummy-load method- finite elements method- Fisher's method- flow line method- form-copying method- form-generating method- gagematic method- gang method of planing- generalized method- generating method- gradient method- humanly transparent method- in-cut method- indexed sequential access method- indirect generating method- inspection method- iteration method- leap-frog method- least square method- locating method- LS method- magnetic-particle method- manufacturing method- maximum likelihood method- Maxweel-Mohr method- modified roll method- Monte Carlo method- multicriterion design method- noncontact method of measuring- nondestructive method of testing- null method of measurement- out-cut method- pecking method- pilot discharge method- pilot pulse method- plunge-cut method- point-to-point method- probabilistic method- problem-solving method- processing method- production method- profile method of measurement of the surface roughness- pulse-echo method- qualitative safeguards methods- quantative method- questionary method- rack-planing method- rank correlation method- reduction methods- resident access method- rolling method- safety methods- search-step method- sequential access method- sizematic method- standard manufacturing methods- step-by-step method- stepwise method- stored-program method- structured method- stylus method- substitution method- substitution method of measurement- teaching playback method- teach-yourself method- telemetering method- test method- tooling method- top-down method- tracer method of determining surface quality- traverse method of grinding- trial-and-error method- unit-load method- up-feed method- value engineering method- working method- X-ray method- zero method of measurement- zero-deflection method... смотреть


n 1. метод, способ познания, исследования; 2. система приемов в какой-либо деятельности; порядок; классификация.* * *сущ. 1) метод, способ познания, ис... смотреть


метод; прием; способ - acoustic method - basic telecommunication access method - biotelemetering method - bridge method - cap method - channel dividing method - combinatorial Jacobeus method - compensating measurement method - control-correcting method - count thinning method - data-compression method - DAV method - DAVID method - DBV method - determinated method - digital districts method - DISCAT method - diversion method - double pole circuit method - dynamic control method - echo-compensating method - effective accessibility method - energetic method - equivalency method - equivalent moment method - Euler method - Eurocrypt method - extrapolation method - Fabry-Perot method - filtering method - five ordinates method - fixed index method - Fourier method - four-probe method - harmonic linearization method - illuminated board method - internode tension method - legibility method - line graph method - loading characteristic method - location method - loop method - message forwarding method - MH compressing method - MMR compressing method - Monte-Carlo method - MR compressing method - multiple frequency telegraphing method - node potential method - operator method - opinions method - optoacoustic-detection method - packet-switching method - phase-compensating method - phase-differencing method - phase-filtering method - playing method - polarity-comparing method - polar-starting control method - potential method - precision synchronization method - preventive method - probable graphs method - pulse method - radio method - recording method - repetition method - restoring method - Runge-Kutt method - scale quantization method - selection method - Simpson method - simulation method - single channel-on-carrier method - sliding index method - specific power method - standing wave method - state method - static control method - statistic method - substitution method - superposition method - symbolic method - synchronization method - synthetic method - telecommunication-access method - tone method - twice power method - Verzunov's method - Videocrypt method - weighted code method - Wiver's method - zero method... смотреть


method: translationSynonyms and related words:MO, ability, action, actions, activity, acts, address, affectation, air, algorithm, anality, apple-pie or... смотреть


{ʹmeθəd} n 1. 1) метод, способ, система comparative {experimental} ~ - сравнительный {экспериментальный} метод a new ~ of cure {application} - новый... смотреть


метод method of grafting — метод прививок agar block method — метод агаровых блоков culture method — метод культуры in vitro culture method ... смотреть


сущ. 1) а) метод, способ; методика, прием, средство б) мн. методика (как направление научной деятельности) to apply, employ, use a method — применять, использовать метод to adopt a method — перенимать метод to give up, scrap a method — переставать пользоваться (каким-л.) методом modern method — современный метод obsolete method — устаревший метод oral method — устный метод a method for learning languages — метод изучения иностранного языка There is a definite method in her manner of interrogation. — В ее манере задавать вопросы есть определенный метод. Socratic method — сократический метод antiquated method — устаревший метод audiovisual method — аудиовизуальный метод case method — метод анализа (конкретных) ситуаций crude method — неразработанный метод deductive method — дедуктивный метод direct method — прямой метод grammar-translation method — грамматико-переводной метод изучения иностранного языка inductive method — индуктивный метод infallible method — надежный способ, проверенный способ refined method — изощренный, тонкий метод rhythm method — метод естественного цикла (способ контрацепции) scientific method — научный метод sophisticated method — изощренный, тонкий метод sound method — логичный, правильный метод sure method — надежный способ, проверенный способ teaching methods — методика обучения unorthodox method — оригинальный, нешаблонный метод up-to-date method — современный метод Syn: fashion, manner, mode, procedure, way, means 2) а) система; порядок, строй Syn: system б) бот.; зоол. классификация... смотреть


method: translationSince philosophy is largely the activity of reflecting on modes of thought, it is not surprising that its own methods are subject to... смотреть


сущ.1) метод, способ познания, исследования;2) система приемов в какой-либо деятельности; порядок; классификация.- axiomatic method[/m]- case method[/m... смотреть


method [ʹmeθəd] n 1. 1) метод, способ, система comparative [experimental] ~ - сравнительный [экспериментальный] метод a new ~ of cure [application] -... смотреть


dye penetrant inspection method — метод цветной дефектоскопии, метод красокmethod of steepest descent — способ резкого [аварийного] снижения (воздушног... смотреть


метод, спосіб, прийом; система, логічність, порядок method for preventing discrimination in employment — спосіб попередження дискримінації method of cr... смотреть


сущ.1) общ. метод (способ достижения какой-либо цели, решения конкретной задачи; совокупность приемов или операций практического или теоретического осв... смотреть


• ___ acting • ___ to one's madness • Though this be madness yet there is ___ in it: Hamlet • Acting technique • Approach • Brando's practice • Godhea... смотреть


метод, спосіб, прийом; система, логічність, порядок method for preventing discrimination in employment — спосіб попередження дискримінації method of crippling an adversary's espionage program — спосіб руйнування програми шпигунської діяльності супротивника method used by the police to obtain confessions — метод, що використовується поліцією для отримання зізнань method claimmethod of amendingmethod of democracymethod of diplomacymethod of executionmethod of identificationmethod of investigationmethod of legal educationmethod of making an amendmentmethod of murdermethod of operationmethod of realizing democracymethod of settlementmethod of thinkingmethod of trialmethod of trial and errormethod of valuationmethod of votingmethod of warfare... смотреть


метод, способ- beam method of rolling- bending method- box-pass method- butterfly method- counterflange method- diagonal method- diagonal flange method... смотреть


n1) метод, спосіб2) технологія•- airborne magnetometer method- airborne resistivity method- cutting methods- extraterrestrial propellant production met... смотреть


•- ball-and-ring method- blown-extrusion method- building method- casting method- cut-and-try method- dead stop method- falling-ball viscosity method- ... смотреть


method [ˊmeθəd] n 1) ме́тод, спо́соб; приём 2) pl мето́дика (наука) 3) систе́ма; поря́док 4) бот., зоол. классифика́ция


1) способ; метод; процесс 2) система, порядок см. cut and try method • - free indexing method - method of application - method of determining patentability - method of fabricating - method of manufacturing - method of producing novel chemical compounds - method of producing - method of retrieval - patentable method - patented method - to circumvent the difficulties of the method known heretofore - trial and error method - unpatentable method... смотреть


n метод, спосіб, система- cumulative ~ кумулятивний метод - devious ~ обхідний метод/ прийом - dialectic(al) ~ діалектичний метод - phenomenological ~ феноменологічний метод - sophisticated ~ складний/ ускладнений метод/ прийом - unsavoury ~s грубі методи - ~ of adoption порядок прийняття - ~ of electing the President порядок обрання головуючого - ~ of voting порядок голосування - progressive ~s of work передові методи роботи... смотреть


method: übersetzung method Methode f, Art f und Weise f, System n


1) метод в ООП - встроенная процедура объекта, ассоциированная с его типом. Большинство объектов имеют три типа методов: конструкторы (constructors), деструкторы (destructors) и методы поведения (behaviors) см. message 2), object, OOP, procedure 2) правило от греч. methodos - исследование... смотреть


в соч.- assembly method - finite element method- measurement method- painting method- production method


n1) метод; спосіб2) система; порядок3) pl методика


1) метод; способ ( technique 1) ) 2) метод ( функция - элемент определения класса ( class ) в языке Smalltalk, в C++ - см. member function )


n 1) метод, спосіб; 2) система, порядок; 3) pl методика; 4) рідк. класифікація; 5) логічність, послідовність.




Метод, способ; приём; Система; порядок. Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии.2010.


метод, способ; прием система; порядок bot. zool. классификация (pl.) методика (наука)


ˈmeθədметод, система, порядок


мед.сущ. метод * * * способ Англо-русский медицинский словарь.2012.


n. метод, способ, прием, система, методика, порядок, классификация


1 метод 2 правило (в об'єктно-орієнтованому програмуванні)


метод, лад, засіб, приймання, прийом, спосіб




алгоритмметод правило спосіб


Method метод


метод[c steelblue], -ду


Смотри Способ.


(n) метод; способ


Смотри Метод.





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